Fillable Job Application

Our Associates

Each temporary employee we engage is personally interviewed by one of our NT Temps consultants. We review their work history and acquired skills thoroughly and determine what type of work they are best suited for and enjoy most. This way we can ensure that we send you the most qualified, enthusiastic, and motivated candidate. All permanent references are checked and verified. As well, at NT Temps we believe that it takes a special type of person to be a good temporary employee. This is why we request references from our candidates' temporary positions. This, combined with the feedback we receive from clients such as yourself, ensures that you receive the best person for the job.

Three Hour Service Guarantee 

At NT Temps we guarantee your satisfaction. If you are unhappy with our temporary employee and you inform us within the first three hours of their assignment, we will be happy to replace them. You will not be billed for the employees' time as long as it falls within the three hour limit. If all is going well, you will receive additional service calls to ensure your continued satisfaction.

Temp to Perm

Our goal is to assist our business community in fulfilling their staffing needs as well as to help the working population of South Simcoe to reach their goals. This means we are prepared to go the extra mile. If one of our temporary employees is on assignment for you and you decide they would make a great addition to your permanent staff, you may hire them permanently at no additional cost. Using temporary associates is one avenue you can use to determine if a new employee is a good fit for your company.

Flexible Rates

Our flexible rate system allows us to work within your staffing budget, putting you in the driver's seat. You tell NT Temps how much you want the candidate to be paid on an hourly basis. We base our billing rate on the pay rate you have requested. We handle all payroll costs as well as EI, CPP, EHT (Employer Health Tax), WSIB, and vacation pay

Timesheet Processing

NT Temps associates are responsible for filling out and submitting an NT Temp timesheet weekly. They must have their supervisor sign the timesheet at the end of the week to authorize the hours worked. NT Temps will process the hours to pay employees directly and the employer will receive one invoice at the end of the week and one statement monthly.

Health and Safety

Health and safety is a priority for NT Temps. As required, all employees are WHMIS certified before they are sent to your site. NT Temps also offers employee specific training and certification depending on the individual need.  We are involved in Young Workers Training for employees who have limited experience in the workforce as well as material handling safety and ergonomic safety for people who are likely to be placed in these categories.  Many of our clients also choose to take advantage of our training facilities to have prospective temporary employees take part in-company specific orientations on our premises. 

NT Temps internal staff includes certified health and safety representatives at both the employee and management level to further enable us to efficiently look after your needs.

Why Use a Temporary Employment Service?

With a temporary workforce, you can have the people you need when you need them. A temporary work force allows you to accommodate the fluctuations of a normal business cycle without straining your permanent staff during peak periods or being forced into unnecessary layoffs during quieter times. Temporary employees can be used to cover vacation, sick leave, or maternity leave as well, allowing you to continue business as usual. This is also an ideal way to determine what type of person you need on a permanent basis by filling the position temporarily at first. Also, because of our no fee temp to perm policy, the transition can happen as soon as you are ready.

Getting Started

Contact us with your labour needs and NT Temps will begin searching for qualified candidates right away. We will be able to match candidates with your company with a job description provided by you, as well as, the required equipment and skills. NT Temps will maintain contact with you and will respond directly to requests and concerns, scheduling associates as required. We are available from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday at (705) 435-1540.

As always, we welcome your input and suggestions as to how we can work together to further develop our services.